Trebles all round …
I think it’s fair to say that I’d probably be the world’s worst court witness.
If asked about my whereabouts at 10:30am on the Monday before last, I wouldn’t have a clue and would probably pass a lie detector test to prove it.
But whilst recent experiences are often lost in a misty haze I can cast my mind back to early prehistory with ease and have very fond memories of making papier mâché tortoises (for some unfathomable reason) as a wretchedly inept primary school brat.
Little did I know how big a part of my life paper would become aeons later.
Which was why I was so fascinated to hear about the new paper wine bottles.
Made from paper with a removable, recyclable plastic lining and weighing less than 20% of their glass cousins I think they might just catch on.
Throw in the fact that they have an 84% lower carbon footprint, and the makers are probably on to a winner.
The truth is, paper is a truly innovative product.
You can print attention-grabbing things on it and put tasty things in it – it’s a remarkable thing which can change our lives and our businesses for the better.
All it needs is a little leap of imagination to make it happen.
Food for thought, perhaps, this week?
But for now, …
If you want a sounding board or just want to bend my ear, I’m on hand for a chat about anything to do with Print or Web Design.
Stay safe