The money’s in the follow-up …

The money’s in the follow-up. Or so they say.

And there wasn’t a better reminder of it than last week.

Even if this time the boot was on the other foot.

About six months ago a message dropped into my inbox offering a solution to something that had been weighing heavily on my mind.

While their offer was just what I was looking for – the timing wasn’t right.

… and then all of a sudden it was.

But could I find their email?

Despite an hour or more of scouring Outlook and using just about every search term I could think of – search after search yielded absolutely zilch.

This was starting to feel like the codebreakers at Bletchley Park.

Needles in haystacks didn’t even come close and with more emails to search through than fleas on a dog’s backside it was beginning to look like a lost cause.

But then I remembered. We’d had a Zoom call and there was only a fraction of those to look through.

So armed with a pencil and pad I was back on the hunt.

30 minutes later I’d found it.


You’re probably thinking “What a Muppet” and you’d be right because how many people would spend the best part of two hours disappearing down endless rabbit holes like this.

Very few.

But that’s how easy it is to leave money on the table.

You’ve got to follow-up and the guys I’d spoken to back in April hadn’t.

It doesn’t matter what line of business you’re in, if you don’t follow up, all you’re doing is leaving it to someone else to enjoy the spoils of war.

If you’ve put in the hard work, why shouldn’t it be you that reaps the reward?

Who’s on your follow-up list this week?

Have a great week.
