How (not) to boil an egg …

Boiling an egg shouldn’t be complicated.

Tools: cooker, pan of boiling water, timer.

Ingredients: an egg.

Time: cook to your preference.


Pan of boiling eggs

It’s probably one of the first things kids are taught in Home Economics.

Not so fast, say a group of Italian scientists who came to the long and tortuous (and probably frighteningly expensive) conclusion that the optimum time was 32 minutes.

The study’s pointy-headed boffins called their process “Periodic Cooking”, which involved alternating the egg between a pan of boiling water and a bowl of cold water.

Nurse: screens!

My take on their efforts is they were either fanatically dedicated to their cause or, more likely, had too much time on their hands.

If this wasn’t the day that scientists finally lost the plot, I’ve yet to see a better example.

Sometimes, we just make life too complicated for ourselves.

If you’ve got a print project that’s starting to feel like a life-shorting experience why not drop us a line.

We can’t promise to solve it in under 32 minutes, but we can certainly help you cut the c***p and inject a little fun into it.

Until next week!
