Computer Says No …

Who hasn’t run into a brick wall at some stage in their life when dealing with BIG business.

Whilst their marketing people have endless squillions to spend on telling everyone how wonderful their products and service are they’ve got even bigger departments seemingly dedicated to business prevention.

Who hasn’t waited for endless hours on hold waiting for someone to talk to?

Or navigating the infuriating labyrinthine complexities of their switchboards.

And when you do finally get through to someone you realise that they couldn’t give an SH1T about you or the issue you’re trying to resolve.

Where DO they find these people?

So far, however, you’ve probably only encountered the trainees.

The real baddies are their accounts departments whose bovine automatons must surely have been trained by the East German Police.

People so highly coached in business prevention techniques that they make David Walliams’ “Computer Says No” character in Little Britain look like a wet behind-the-ears beginner.

All of which got me thinking how lucky I am to have such a hard-working, dedicated, customer-centred crew.

In order of longevity, Emyr who’s in charge of print enquiries – however complicated. Judy our super-talented graphic designer, Lisa who handles all our print finishing with an eagle eye ably supported by new starter Callum. And not forgetting Gareth, a whizz on anything technical who helps out on a part-time basis.

Without them, we wouldn’t be what or who we are and each and every one of them is at your disposal.

They’re here to cut through the noise and focus on what really matters: you and your needs.

Have a great week.
