The great scrapheap in the sky …

With one last enormous bang and a cloud of blue smoke, the old brute breathed its last.

Our beloved and trusty mower of 25 years vintage (and possibly more) had given up the ghost and shuffled off its mortal coil.

And boy had she done well.

Almost every part had been repaired or replaced and patched up more times than an old prize fighter who should have thrown the towel in years ago.

Not only that, but the thirsty old battleaxe drank more oil than Granny hitting the sherry bottle before Sunday lunch.

But whatever its faults it had provided sterling service and even though it was short of puff towards the end it always KBO.

In truth, I should have scrapped it a long time ago, but sentiment bonded us strongly and I just couldn’t let the old brute go.

This isn’t a million miles away from what I see with websites that have been patched up and are far past their best.

They might work but are probably pushing as many potential customers away as they are attracting.

The danger is that you might not be aware of it and an overhaul is long overdue.

In short, poor performance is costing you money and maybe more than you realise.

If you’d like a chat about yours, just drop me a line and we’ll put the kettle on.

Have a great week.
