The Never-ending Cycle of Life …

Up and down the land the harvest is now in full swing.

The winter oilseed rape is in. As is the winter barley and the combines are taking full advantage of some hot dry weather as they rattle through acres of plump grained winter wheat.

It’s hot, dry, dusty work for farmers as they gather in the crops.

To witness this frenetic activity as we approach the end of the farming calendar it’s easy to think that all this hard work in the fields is happening by accident.

But it isn’t.

It’s happening because the ground was ploughed last autumn and seedbeds prepared in readiness for this year’s crops.

The very same crops that have been fed and tended to all year are now being gathered so that we have food to put on our plates.

It’s an age-old cycle. As old as civilisation itself. And it never stops.

In business, we work to different rhythms, but they are no less profound. If we want something OUT, we must put the time and effort IN.

As Summer wends its way and the mists of Autumn approach we must prepare for our year ahead.

Our tools may be very different, but our marketing collateral must be tended and refreshed in just the same way if we want to harvest our rewards.

Many may be kicking back and enjoying some late summer sunshine, but some have one eye on tomorrow and are beavering away behind the scenes.

What are you working on right now?

Have a great week and thanks for listening.
