What business are you really in?

Ask anyone what business they’re in and you’ll hear replies like hospitality, manufacturing, construction, sales.

Delve a little deeper and depending on how good a conversationalist you are, and you might get as far as an outside events manager, supply chain management or senior buyer.


We might be getting a little warmer but not even remotely close to what their real purpose is.

And this presents a bit of a problem because these banal job descriptions might describe our day-to-day activities, they’re not why our customers buy from us. Not by a long chalk.

Because it leaves our customers almost completely unmoved.

When this dull style starts to infect our sales copy – online and offline – we’re in a spot of bother.

Someone who understands this is Elon Musk of Tesla and SpaceX fame.

Musk might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but he is on to something when it comes to some of his job descriptions.

Some might think that his self-defined role as Technoking of Tesla or his chief executive officer as Master of Coin, as being slightly, well, not British.

But as outlandish as Musk is, he gets a lot closer than many in describing his role in a way that his prospective customers can understand.

When your sales material talks in a language that your customers understand then you’re going to be making deeper, longer-lasting connections which can only help the bottom line.

Food for thought, perhaps, this week?

But for now, …

If you want a sounding board or just want to bend my ear, I’m on hand for a chat about anything to do with Print or Web Design.

Stay safe.
