What Details Should Be on a Business Card?

Imagine this: You’re at a networking event, juggling a cup of coffee and a conversation about your favourite obscure indie band, when someone asks for your business card. You proudly hand it over, and they take one look and… yawn. The card is dull, generic, and blends in with every other business card they’ve ever seen.

We don’t want that, do we?

A business card is like a handshake but on paper. It’s the first impression of your business that people can hold in their hand. So, let’s make sure it’s a good one. Here’s a guide to what details should be on your business card and how to make it stand out from the pile.

The Essentials (Don’t Skip These!)

Before we dive into the fun stuff, let’s make sure you’ve got the basics covered. Every business card should have:

  • Your Name: You’re the star of the show, so make sure your name is front and centre. Keep it legible – no funky fonts that need decoding. Or, even worse, get misread.
  • Job Title: People like to know who they’re dealing with. Are you the CEO, the Chief Fun Officer, or the Master of Mischief? Own it.
  • Company Name: It’s kind of the point, right? Whether serious or playful, make sure it’s easy to read.
  • Contact Details:
    • Phone Number: The one you actually answer.
    • Email Address: Something professional, not your old Hotmail from 2014.
    • Website: Your digital home. Keep it short and sweet, no one likes typing a novel into their browser.

Think Outside the Box (Or Card!)

Now that the essentials are in place, let’s add some flair. A business card shouldn’t just be informative; it should be memorable. Here’s how to make yours a keeper:

  • Logo: This isn’t just a doodle; it’s your brand’s face. Make sure it’s clean, sharp, and unmistakably yours. If you don’t have one, don’t fret. It’s not the end of the world.
  • Social Media Handles: If you’re active on social media (and you should be), add those handles. Just don’t clutter it with too many – stick to the ones where you get the most engagement.
  • Tagline or Slogan: A few words that sum up what you’re all about. It could be cheeky, clever, or just plain useful. Whatever it is, make it stick.
  • QR Code: This little square of magic can link directly to your website, portfolio, or even a fun video message. Plus, it makes you look tech-savvy.
  • Unique Design: Circular cards, foldable cards, cards that double as a mini origami kit – think beyond the standard rectangle. But remember, don’t sacrifice readability for the sake of being quirky.

Don’t Overdo It (Please)

While it’s tempting to throw everything but the kitchen sink onto your business card, resist the urge. Too much information can be overwhelming and downright confusing. Here’s what to avoid:

  • Too Many Fonts: Stick to two at most. Your card shouldn’t look like a ransom note.
  • Tiny Text: If someone needs a magnifying glass to read it, it’s too small.
  • Overloading Information: You don’t need your entire life story on this tiny piece of card. Keep it concise.
  • Low-Quality Images: Blurry logos and pixelated pictures are a no-go. Your card should be sharp in more ways than one.

The Quirky Edge (Stand Out, But Stay Professional)

You’re unique, and your business card should be too. Here are some final tips to give your card that quirky edge while keeping it professional:

  • Use Unusual Materials: It’s highly unusual but why not consider metal, wood, or fabric? It’ll make your card stand out and feel different in someone’s hand.
  • Interactive Elements: How about a card that doubles as a coaster? Or one that reveals a hidden message under a scratch-off panel?
  • Humour: A little wit goes a long way. If it fits your brand, throw in a joke or a fun fact. But keep it light – no dad jokes, please.

Final Touch: The Finish

When it comes to the finishing touches, choose a finish that suits your brand’s personality:

  • Matt Laminated: Smooth, sleek, and sophisticated.
  • Soft-Touch Velvet Matt Laminated: Feels as good as it sounds – luxurious and memorable.
  • Plain: Simple, straightforward, and no-nonsense.

Now, if this all sounds like a lot to think about, don’t worry – that’s where we come in.

At Fineline Print and Web, we don’t just print business cards; we craft mini masterpieces.

Printed on sturdy 400gsm board with a variety of stunning finishes, your business card will be as unique as you are.

Ready to make your mark? Get in touch with us here.