What is the Difference Between Vinyl and PVC Banners?

What is the Difference Between Vinyl and PVC Banners?

Welcome to the quirky world of banners!

Today, we’re diving into the question: What’s the difference between Vinyl and PVC banners?

Spoiler alert: They’re essentially the same thing! But let’s explore why they’re both awesome and how they can serve your needs.


What are Vinyl or PVC Banners?

Vinyl Banners: Often called PVC banners, these are made from a type of plastic known as polyvinyl chloride. They’re flexible, durable, and perfect for making a big impact.

PVC Banners: Just another name for vinyl banners! They’re made from the same material and offer the same benefits.

Why Are They Called Different Names?

Terminology: Different industries or regions sometimes prefer one term over the other. But when you see “vinyl” or “PVC” banners, you’re looking at the same thing.

Benefits of Vinyl/PVC Banners

Durability: These banners can withstand wind, rain, and sun. Perfect for outdoor use but we can’t guarantee that they are squirrel-proof!

Cost-Effective: Great value for money, especially for large prints.

Customisable: Easy to print vibrant, eye-catching designs.

Versatility: Ideal for events, promotions, and long-term signage.

Environmental Impact

Recycling: Vinyl/PVC can be recycled, but it requires specific facilities. It’s important to check local recycling options.

Longevity: These banners are durable, meaning they don’t need frequent replacement, which is a plus for the environment.

Comparing Quality and Price

Print Quality: Both terms refer to the same material, so the print quality is identical—vibrant and sharp.

Price: Again, since they’re the same material, the cost is the same. Generally affordable and a great investment.

Fun Facts

Vinyl records: Made from the same type of vinyl used in banners. Your banner and your favourite tunes share a common ancestry!

PVC in everyday life: Found in pipes, clothing, and flooring. It’s a versatile and widely used material.

In conclusion, whether you call them vinyl or PVC banners, you’re getting a durable, cost-effective, and vibrant marketing tool. Perfect for making a statement, indoors or outdoors.


We also supply awesome vinyl banners. Find out more on this page.