When Harry met Sally …

It may not be the thrill of the week but every once in a while, our paper merchants send us samples of new stuff hoping to entice us with their new wares.

Sometimes the selling point is its texture, maybe its depth of colour or perhaps, its environmental credentials.

But it’s a tough sell if they want to make the earth move.

Just occasionally, though, something pops through the letterbox and the moment you open it you realise that you’re looking at something special.

And so it was when specialist paper merchant G.F. Smith sent some beautifully wrapped samples of a new sheet called Accent Recycled.

Smiths have been obsessive papermakers for over 135 years and have created a real gem this time.

Its crisp off-white surface and gentle velvety smoothness engage the senses on a whole new level.

I’m not pretending it’s a Meg Ryan type moment in When Harry Met Sally – but it’s close.

Ok, if you’re under a hundred years old you’ll have to Google it, but paper really can do this to us.

It’s a tactile medium. When we touch it and feel it, it really can make us stop and smell the coffee.

Whilst the content of your marketing collateral is all-important, what you print it on is worth more than a passing thought.

Skip the step and you’ll be missing a trick if you want your audience to sit up and take note next time your sales material passes across their desk.

Food for thought, I hope, until next time …

Have a great week.
